Volunteers Needed: “Safe Passage” Program
The Community Safety Partnership (CSP) division of the Birmingham Police Department, Housing Authority of the Birmingham District and Mayor’s Office of Peace and Policy are seeking volunteers to help provide safe walking routes for children going to and from school.
Currently, the program will begin with a pilot location of the Morton Simpson Housing Community ending at Hayes K8 Elementary School and plans are in the works to expand the program to other housing developments and schools. In a recent interview with WBRC Fox 6, Captain Shelia Finney stated that around 80 percent of students at Hayes K8 walk to or from school.
In addition to providing safe passage, the program can also have additional benefits of enhancing students’ physical fitness and studies have shown that enhanced physical fitness benefits students’ academic performances, benefitting the community overall.
Volunteers will be stationed beginning from the farthest residence participating in the pilot location of the Morton Simpson Housing Community and ending at Hayes K8 Elementary School.
Dates are currently being finalized for volunteers and parents. Individuals as well as community and civic groups, church organizations, college students and employee associations are encouraged to apply and volunteer together. Criminal background checks will be conducted and will include fingerprinting.
You can submit an application at the CSP Office located at BPD’s East Precinct (600 Red Lane Road, Suite 208). You can contact the CSP Office at (205) 254-6900 or (205) 714-8695 or by emailing bpdcsp@birminghamal.gov. You may also contact the Mayor’s Office of Peace and Policy at (205) 254-2741. You may also view the Safe Passage Brochure for more information.
Applicants may obtain fingerprinting services at BPD Headquarters (1710 1st Avenue North) from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.