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Media Release 99-Birmingham Police Chief Scott Thurmond Addresses Two Separate Shooting Incidents Involving Children

Birmingham Police Chief Scott Thurmond Addresses Two Separate Shooting Incidents Involving Children

This past weekend our city experienced two separate incidents where two innocent children were victimized due to gun violence. This unfortunate event is deeply saddening and absolutely unacceptable. It is vital for us to acknowledge the shared responsibility we carry to ensure the safety of our children. Resolving conflicts, particularly those involving guns, holds paramount
significance. We urge any witnesses to kindly come forward and provide the Birmingham Police Department with any information you may have.

Stay united for the safety of our community.

Police Chief Scott Thurmond

If there is anyone who has information pertaining to the case, please contact the B.P.D. Homicide Unit @ 205-254-1764 or Crime Stoppers @ 205-254-7777.


Click to print. Media Release 99- Birmingham Police Chief Scott Thurmond Addresses Two Separate Shooting Incidents Involving Children