Media Release 137
Kidnapping Investigation
The Birmingham Police Department reports detectives are conducting an investigation of a possible kidnapping. The Birmingham Police Department needs the public’s assistance in identifying the individual and the vehicle in the attached video. The incident occurred on Friday June 3, 2020.
At approximately 6:00 p.m., Officers from the East Precinct responded to a kidnapping call. The preliminary investigation revealed a young black female (age unknown)was walking in the 1100 block of Camelia Rd. when a person in what appears to be a black Chrysler 300 with large wheels stopped beside the female. Reports are that a black male exited the vehicle and force the female into the car. The female was wearing a black sweatshirt and black sweatpants.
If there is anyone who has information pertaining to the case or provide clarity to this incident, please contact the B.P.D. Investigative Bureau @ 205-254-1764 or Crime Stoppers of Metro Alabama @ 205-254-7777.
*The information is based on a preliminary and ongoing investigation, which continues to evolve as investigators interview witnesses, review physical and electronic records, and analyze forensic evidence. The Department’s understanding of the facts and circumstances may change as additional evidence is collected and analyzed**
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