Captain Edmond Hanks began his career with the Birmingham Police Department in April 1992. Upon graduation from the Birmingham Police Academy, he was assigned to the South Precinct evening shift as a patrol officer, where he also served as a FTO (Field Training Officer) until 1999. Hanks was then reassigned to the Police Academy for three and a half years and served as the primary instructor for new police recruits. Hanks was certified as a recruiter for the department and assisted with the hiring of recruits, the FTO Program, Citizen’s Police Academy, and in-service training.
In 2002, Hanks was promoted to the rank of Sergeant and reassigned to West Precinct, where he served as a patrol supervisor for over six years on both evening and day shifts. In 2008, he was reassigned to the Internal Affairs Division and served as an investigator until 2010. While serving as a Sergeant, Hanks also spent time in the Crime Scene Unit and at North Precinct as a patrol Sergeant.
In 2011, Hanks was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant and reassigned to the East Precinct, serving as the evening shift commander. In 2013, he was reassigned to the Department’s Tactical Unit, where he was the Executive Officer for over two years. In 2015, Hanks was reassigned to the Crimes Against Persons Division. During that time, he was tasked with overseeing and implementing the Violence Reduction Initiative in partnership with John Jay College and the National Network for Safe Communities. In conjunction with the VRI, Hanks was the Commander of the Department’s Crime Reduction Team (Fugitive Apprehension), Neighborhood Enforcement Team (Gang Unit), and the Criminal Intelligence Unit. In 2018, Hanks served an additional tour at West Precinct as a shift commander.
In June 2019, Hanks was promoted to the rank of Captain and has served as the Commanding Officer at North Precinct on two separate tours.