Before joining the Birmingham Police Department in 2001, Captain Alexander served as a United States Marine Staff Non-Commissioned Officer on active duty. In his service of 22 years with the Birmingham Police Department, Captain Alexander has been responsible for various assignments. As an Officer assigned to the East Precinct Patrol Division, he served as a Field Training Officer (Corporal), a Traffic Homicide Investigator, and a Task Force Officer. He was transferred to the Birmingham Police Academy as a Range Instructor before being promoted to the rank of Sergeant. As a Sergeant, he was assigned to North and West Precincts as a Patrol Supervisor. He was appointed West Precinct Task Force Sergeant before his assignment to the Support Services Division at the Police Headquarters. Upon his promotion to Lieutenant, He served as an East and North Precinct Patrol Watch Commander. He was also assigned to the Tactical Operations Precinct as the Executive Officer.
Captain Alexander holds a Degree in Criminal Justice from Columbia Southern University. He has completed various professional law enforcement certificates and qualifications such as The University of North Florida – Traffic Accident Reconstruction, Basic and Advanced S.W.A.T. Certificates, Sniper Qualification Certificate, F.B.I. Firearms Instructor Certificate and Instructor Development credentials, to name a few.
During his career with the Birmingham Police Department, Captain Alexander has been awarded two Life Saving Medals for Heroism in performing his duties and the Distinguished Service Medal. He was nominated twice and received proclamations from the Alabama House of Representatives for the State Medal of Valor. He has also received several Certificates of Commendation from the Police Department and other outside agencies for his outstanding performance of duty. Captain Alexander is currently assigned as the Commanding Officer of the Custody Services Division.