Community Outreach and Public Education

Mission Statement

To enhance the relationship between citizens and law enforcement throughout the City of Birmingham, Alabama by engaging in various interactive community service initiatives.

Vision Statement

The Birmingham Police Department in conjunction with the Patrol Bureau envisions a community that is free from the fear of victimization, where our citizens and visitors trust, believe and have confidence that our police force will provide the highest level of professional services through our motto, Protect, Serve, Respect.

Get Involved

Community Oriented, Community Focused, and Community Driven

School Resource Officers (SRO)

The Birmingham Police Department’s School Resource Officer (S.R.O) program began in 1990 with only four officers and has grown to 15 Officers.  These uniformed S.R.O.s are assigned to all city high schools.  The S.R.O. program serves the community in a proactive capacity of law enforcement in the educational environment, in addition to their routine duties as police officers.  The officers not only patrol the inside and outside of the schools, but also serve as mentors, counselors, and lecturers in the classrooms.  They escort their schools on school sanctioned outings, including football and basketball games.  The S.R.O.s promote self-respect and discipline amongst the students.  They teach students about their civic duties, responsibilities, and encourage students to obtain a quality education.

Community Relations Assistants (Crime Prevention Officer – CPO)

The mission of the Crime Prevention Officer is to assist law enforcement personnel to improve community relations, increase public awareness of crime, and educate the public on crime prevention and reporting techniques.  They also conduct oral and visual presentations to citizens and business owners concerning crime prevention and police community relations.  The Crime Prevention Officers work diligently with their precinct Commander to combat crime, by informing citizens of specific problems while offering solutions.

Community Service Officers (CSO)

The mission of the Community Service Officers (CSO) is to provide crisis intervention social services through direct service, referral and consultation.  Their objective is to stabilize a crisis, attempt to prevent further crises, and enhance their client’s well-being.  They network and maintain professional relationships with related community resources and strive to provide exemplary crisis interventions services.

To contact Crime Prevention Officers or Community Service Officers, call your neighborhood precinct:

North Precinct
2600 31st Avenue North
Birmingham, AL.  35207
205 254-2860

South Precinct
1320 19th Street South
Birmingham, AL.  35205
205 254-2793

East Precinct
600 Red Lane Road
Birmingham, AL.  35206
205 254-2685

West Precinct
2236 47th Street Ensley
Birmingham, AL. 35208
205 254-2682

Community Engagement Liaison

The Police Community Engagement Liaison is responsible for planning, developing, coordinating, and implementing community programs, special events, and annual projects for the Police Department to assist in addressing community-policing issues.


A sworn officer is assigned as the lead chaplain, and he/she is assigned to the COPE Division.  Assistant chaplain(s) are appointed to the chaplaincy program by the Commander of the COPE Division and assist the chaplain with his/her duties of advice, comfort, and counseling as needed to employees, immediate family members and the citizens of Birmingham when requested.

 Volunteer Programs

The Birmingham Police Department’s volunteer programs are designed to provide citizens who wish to volunteer their time and skills an opportunity to carry out administrative and hands on tasks, allowing sworn and non-sworn personnel to focus on more critical matters.

Volunteer Opportunities

Administrative Support
Chaplain Program
City Jail Ministries
Citizens on Patrol (COP)
Special Events – Serve Programs

Youth Programs

Police Athletic Teams (PAT)
Police Youth Advisory Council (PYAC)

Educational Programs

Internship ProgramzSpeaking Engagements
Community Police Academy
Ride-along Program

For information and requirements of the aforementioned volunteer programs, please contact the Community Outreach and Public Education (COPE) Division at 205 933-4175 or via email at